Clock and Data Recovery: Ultra-Low Power, High-Performance
Semtech’s ultra-low power, high-performance reference-free clock and data recovery (CDR) product line is anchored around our ClearEdge® CDRs for NRZ (non-return-to-zero) applications at 10Gbps, 16Gbps and 100Gbps, and our Tri-Edge™ CDRs for PAM4 applications at 200Gbps and 400Gbps. Based on our reference-free CDR architecture our ClearEdge and Tri-Edge products provide multi-lane signal conditioners with best in class sensitivity, output jitter and jitter tolerance, that can also be monolithically integrated with laser drivers and transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) to provide compact, high-performance solutions
ClearEdge® CDR Platform for NRZ Signal Processing
Semtech’s ClearEdge CDRs deliver the lowest power, smallest footprint solutions for optical modules including:
- QSFP28
- CFP4
- Retimed SFP+
- Other 25G and 100G modules and Active Optical Cables (AOCs)
Semtech’s ClearEdge CDRs are the world’s most widely selected optical transceiver CDRs for use in 10G and 100G data center applications.
Tri-Edge™ CDR Platform for PAM4 Signal Processing
Building on the success of Semtech’s ClearEdge NRZ-based CDR platform technology, Tri-Edge is a CDR platform optimized for PAM4 optical interconnect in next-generation 200G and 400G data center module and AOC applications. The SR Tri-Edge PAM4 CDR chipset enables industry leading power with reduced latency and low cost for multi-mode fiber links of up to 100-meters. The Tri-Edge LR platform enables 200G and 400G single mode fiber solutions up to 10km. Both the Tri-Edge SR and LR product lines are compatible with the Open Eye MSA specifications for SR and LR links.
Semtech is leading the way to enable analog PAM4-based solutions in the data center market and creating a complete analog PAM4 ecosystem with the Open Eye MSA.
Semtech’s Tri-Edge PAM4 CDRs offer the lowest power, lowest cost solution for optical modules including:
- QSFP56
- SFP56
- 50G AOCs
- 100G AOCs
- 200G AOCs
- 400G AOCs
総部品数: | OPTプライマリーマーケットアプリケーション | OPT変調 | OPTレーン数 | OPT統合レーザードライバー | OPTデータレート (最小) (GB/秒) | OPTデータレート (最大) (GB/秒) |
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Open Eye MSAが目指すのは…

As we enter 2025, the data center technology landscape continues to evolve rapidly, driven by artificial intelligence (AI)and an ever-growing demand for bandwidth and computing power. The surge in AI applications, particularly large language models (LLMs), is reshaping infrastructure requirements and driving increased hardware investment across the entire digital ecosystem, from massive cloud data centers to edge computing installations. Here are some key data center network hardware trends that we see evolving and expanding in the coming year.
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今すぐ読むPower, latency and cost. The three horsemen of Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) data center interconnects. Each new generation of interconnect drives a lower mW/Gbps and dollar/Gbps. Power consumption is not just about data center operating expenses. It is also about sustainability.
BLG | SIP | Optical | Revolutionizing AI and ML…
今すぐ読む2018年には、チップ間およびチップ対モジュールのインターフェイス用のオンボード光リンクにおいて、ゆっくりではありますが着実な進歩が見られました。Semtechが準会員として参加するConsortium for On-Board Optics (COBO) が立ち上げられた3年前に想定された統合オプティクスの革命は、単一のラインカードやサーバーブレード内、またはカードとラック間など、従来のプラガブルモジュールからのゆっくりとした移行のみがデータセンターに役立つという認識に取って代わられました。つい1年前から、COBOのメンバーは、プラガブルMSAモジュールとCOBOが事実上の標準として選択した組み込みオンボードモジュールとの共存を強調するために、トーンを再考し、変更し始めました。