The LoRaWAN open specification is a low power, wide area networking (LPWAN) standard managed by the LoRa Alliance®, an non-profit technology alliance. Designed to wirelessly connect battery operated things to the internet in regional, national or global networks, the LoRaWAN standard meets key Internet of Things (IoT) requirements such as bidirectional communication, end-to-end security, mobility, and geolocation services. LoRaWAN leverages the unlicensed radio spectrum in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. The specification defines the device-to-infrastructure of LoRa® physical layer parameters and the LoRaWAN standard, and provides seamless interoperability between manufacturers. The LoRaWAN standard is recognized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), as a standard for LPWANs. While Semtech provides LoRa chipsets, the LoRa Alliance drives the standardization and global harmonization of the LoRaWAN standard for the vast ecosystem.
The LoRaWAN ecosystem includes 181 network operators, with networks on every inhabited continent. This infrastructure makes it easy and efficient to deploy solutions immediately and facilitates interoperability of connected devices. Public, private and hybrid LoRaWAN networks are globally available and accessible.
As the IoT continues to revolutionize the way we connect and interact with our devices, there are a number of network options on which to build smart solutions. Network operators deploying public networks often use a hybrid approach by combining LoRaWAN with cellular technologies to meet the needs of different use cases. Cellular connectivity includes different generations of cellular networks, including 2G, 3G and 4G, and new cellular technologies such as 5G, Cat-1, LTE-M and NB-IoT. Typically, LoRaWAN is preferred for the majority of IoT applications due to its low power, native geolocation, low network deployment and module cost. By combining the feature sets of multiple technology options, network operators can deliver a wider variety of IoT connectivity services and thus capture more market share.
安全な、キャリアグレードの低消費電力な広域ネットワーク(LPWAN)向けのLoRaWAN標準規格により、LoRaWANネットワークに接続されたときにすべてのエンドデバイスが想定通りの動作を行うこと、すべてのゲートウェイ製品と相互運用することが可能になります。そこで、LoRa Allianceは、この目的を達成するために認定プログラムを作成し、エンドデバイスがLoRaWAN標準規格の機能要件を満たしているかのテストなどを行えるようにしました。メーカーは、アプリケーションに特化した自社のエンドデバイスがあらゆるLoRaWANネットワークで動作するという認定を受けることができます。これは、IoTの迅速なグローバル展開を行う上で重要な要素となります。
The LoRaWAN standard enables roaming between participating public LoRaWAN network service providers as well as private networks and industrial solution providers. Peer-to-peer interconnection among operators makes it easy for manufacturers to securely develop devices and roll them out across the globe without the hassle of sharing device credentials with each network individually. This unique capability of seamlessly aggregating public and private LoRaWAN networks allows solution providers to collect and process data easily. The passive roaming capability has been a game changer for applications in a number of vertical markets such as asset tracking, logistics and transportation.
LoRa Alliance®
2015年に設立されたLoRa Allianceは、数百ものネットワーク事業者、センサーやゲートウェイのメーカー、チップセットやモジュールのメーカー、大手企業、ネットワーク管理サービス、アプリケーションソフトウェアプロバイダが参加するオープンな非営利団体です。LoRa Allianceの使命は、すべてのLoRaWANエンドデバイスの相互運用性を確保することで、LoRaWAN規格の世界的な普及を支援・促進し、IoTを活用して持続可能な未来を実現することです。Semtechは、LoRa Allianceを設立したメンバー企業であり、現在のボードメンバーとしての役割を果たす企業でもあります。