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Dracula社工場がSemtechの許可を取得し、OPV IoTの大量生産準備を完了

France-based Dracula Technologies, developing low-light energy-harvesting technology for passive (battery-less) LoRaWAN-based IoT connectivity, has said its new production facility in Valence in southeastern France has passed an audit by US-based Semtech for quality, safety and sustainability, and is ready to roll. Read more
new electronics

Dracula Technologies、マイクロパワーOPV工場の生産認定を発表

Dracula Technologies, a developer of energy harvesting through using ambient light technology, has announced that it has completed the qualification process of its new Green Micropower Factory. Read more
Electronics 360

TechInsightsの分解:Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2

Sennheiser is a standard in the audio consumer market offering every type of audio listening format. Its Momentum True Wireless 2 earbuds include microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors and Bluetooth ICs to enable these functions. Some of the main suppliers include Knowles, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, ST Microelectronics and many more. Read more


LoRaWANとそのグローバルな持続可能性の使命 続きを読む
Wall Street Journal (WSJ)

SemtechとOxitが提携し、AWS IoT Core for Amazon SidewalkおよびAWS IoT Core for LoRaWANへのシームレスな統合でIoTデバイスの接続を簡素化

OxTechマルチコネクティビティモジュールは、AWS IoT Core for LoRaWANとAWS IoT Core for Amazon Sidewalkを統合し、複数のLoRa(R)ネットワークで顧客の接続の選択肢を広げます。全文を読む






Semtech Corporation and Kairos recently announced a joint effort to improve water monitoring and leak protection efforts at San Francisco's Ghirardelli Square. The collaboration features Kairos’ leak detection strip sensors and gateways, which are based on Semtech’s LoRa technology, run on a LoRaWAN network, and can enable real-time monitoring capabilities via cloud connection. Read more

LoRaWANとSigfox 0Gによるグローバルカバレッジの拡大とIoT導入の合理化

今回のEmbedded Insidersでは、Semtech CorporationのLoRaエコシステム担当シニアディレクターであるOlivier Beaujardが、最近発表されたSemtechとUnaBizの協業について語ります。続きを読む
Electronic Design

Amazon Sidewalkが初のLoRaベースのデバイスを歓迎

SemtechのLoRaテクノロジーを搭載した最新のデバイスは、AmazonのSidewalk IoTネットワークを活用するように設計されています。続きを読む

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