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SemtechのAlistair Fultonがモノのインターネット(IoT)の今後と私たちの健康や暮らしの改善に役立てる方法について語る

モノのインターネット(IoT)の普及はさらに進んでいます。何百万人もの人々が Fitbitヘルストラッカー、Nestスマートサーモスタット、Ringドアベルカメラを使用していますが、これらは IoT の初期の応用例で、IoTの商業的応用の可能性を示す氷山の一角に過ぎません。IoTは、都市の運営方法、医療の管理方法、自動車の通信方法、サプライチェーンや製造業の活用方法などを変える可能性を秘めています。しかし、IoTは具体的にどのように私たちの生活を向上させるのでしょうか。この連載の一環として、SemtechのAlistair Fultonに話を伺いました。続きを読む
RFID Journal




The wireless end-to-end monitoring system continuously maintains the temperature of COVID-19 vaccines Read more

LoRaが可能にするパンデミック後の生活 | SemtechのAlistair Fulton

今回の「IoT For All Podcast」のエピソードでは、Semtechのワイヤレス&センシング製品グループ担当バイスプレジデント兼ゼネラルマネージャーであるAlistair Fultonが出演し、LoRaについて語ります。具体的には、LoRaの歴史、公共事業の自動化をサポートするために開発された経緯、過去から現在における技術とニーズの変化を踏まえ、様々な業界の無数のユースケースやアプリケーションにおいて、LoRaがいかに欠かせないコネクティビティ技術となってきたかについて説明します。また、LoRa Allianceの歴史、創立の経緯、IoT分野への利益についてもお話しします。続きを読む
Electronics Weeklyのロゴ




As employees return to the office, businesses must provide a safe work environment. Here are four ways IoT technology can help ensure safety in office and work settings. Read more
IoT Agenda


The population of those aged 65 and over is growing faster than all other age groups. According to data from World Population Prospects, one in six people worldwide will be over the age of 65 by 2050, making up 16% of the global population. Seniors face increased challenges that may put them in harm’s way, because of social exclusion, the accelerating trend in reduced intergenerational living spurred by COVID-19, and residing in large, spread out communities. Caregivers, health care professionals and family members can better support the well-being of seniors and their ability to comfortably and more manageably live alone through the use of IoT technology. Read more


As businesses resume normal operations, IoT applications will be instrumental in helping human resources departments and facility managers protect their employees by delivering solutions to promote healthy and safe workspaces. Current workplaces are actively mitigating health and safety risks such as facility hygiene, social distancing, contact tracing, occupancy control, and information privacy by locating, detecting, and monitoring data wirelessly with its IoT applications and an ecosystem of integrated products designed to safeguard the health of workers and deliver a secure work environment. As the economy continues to recover, we’ll increasingly witness more organizations leveraging the IoT to bring back workers to the office safely. Read more
RFID Journal


The Internet of Things and sensor technologies can facilitate a challenging supply chain process. Read more


In 2020, the business world shifted from in-person work environments to remote settings. As organizations continue to navigate operations, some are looking to return back to the office and managers need to take into account different factors as they reopen businesses. Read more

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