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Semtech’s LoRa Edge LR1120 Packs Sub-GHz, Wi-Fi, and Satellite Connectivity Into a Tiny Tracker Chip


Multi-band LoRa transceiver features S-band for global asset tracking



IoTがオリンピック競技であったら、金メダルを獲得するのは、効率的でパワフル、かつフレキシブルなソリューションでしょう。IoTアプリケーションの数が急増する中、ソリューションにはこれに対応できるだけの容量を維持することが求められます。2025年にはWi-FiやBluetoothなどの短距離無線技術がIoT接続全体の約72%を占めると言われています。一方、Machina Research社は、SemtechのLoRa®デバイスをはじめとするLPWAN技術がIoT接続の11%に使用されると推定しています。続きを読む


The popularity of low-power wide area networks (LPWAN) in smart cities and rural areas is growing Read more

LPWAN : 長距離通信ネットワークとは何か、どのように機能するのか

Semtech talks about the novelties of LPWAN, a technology that allows long-range and low-speed wireless communications, for example between IoT devices, often battery-powered. What it is, how it works and what future developments are. Read more

LoRaWAN cos’è e come funziona il trasferimento dati a lungo raggio

Cos'è LoRaWAN e come permette di trasferire dati, seppur con una velocità di trasferimento contenuta, a chilometri di distanza anche fuori dalla copertura di reti WiFi e mobili.続きを読む






Smart technologies put in the hands of eager local officials make for smarter towns that can lead by example. The edge-to-cloud IoT solutions executed as part of this project with the Town of Cary will help to solve ongoing obstacles that are all too present in our world today. Read more


Semtech, the town of Cary & SAS Institute are reducing flood risks with the help of IoT technology Read more

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