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LoRaBasics Modemでスマートメータリングソリューションを簡素化

Although utilities have been able to employ connectivity technologies for at least two decades, the technologies and different standards available in metering have not been optimal for interoperability or affordable for multiple applications. Usually one is adapted for electricity, but another one is required for water, heat or gas. Today, with the availability of adaptation layers for most required standards of DLMS and M-Bus, the new Semtech LoRa Basics™ Modem software offers the most efficient converging platform for connecting any type of meter to the same LoRaWAN® network, ensuring low power and long range connectivity. This will allow for utilities to improve operational efficiencies, increase revenue streams and reduce utility waste in secure, integrated and scalable deployments. Join us as we introduce the new LoRa Basics Modem software and its capabilities. Learn more at